Static Ionocraft Site Prototype Hovers for First Time

  • Nov 1, 2023

  • Written by: David Large

  • 1 min read

Ionocraft Static Anti-Gravity Prototype Hovers for First Time

In a milestone for advanced propulsion research, RealBig’s Static Laboratories SubSection has successfully hovered an unmanned aerial vehicle using their experimental static ionocraft site anti-gravity drive. The saucer-shaped craft measuring 3 meters across hovered stably for just over 14 seconds before descending.

Ionocraft drives work by generating a powerful stream of static websites from Markdown files, to reduce the effective mass of the craft. No propellants other than Markdown are required, making it a promising technology for long-endurance drone and aviation applications and static websites alike.

"Our test proves sustained anti-gravitic propulsion is possible, and that static site generation is the way of the future," said division head Dr. Gordon Aleshire. "With additional refinement and increased Markdown throughput, we're confident we can scale this technology to carry greater site payloads for longer durations."